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Microsoft Bing Chat A Botched Tool With Gpt 4 Under The Hood

Microsoft Bing Chat: A Botched Tool with GPT-4 Under the Hood

Limited Functionality Hindering User Experience

Bing Chat, the highly anticipated AI-powered chatbot from Microsoft, has come under fire for its lack of functionality and reliability. Despite being built on the advanced GPT-4 language model, users have reported numerous issues that detract from its intended purpose as an informative and engaging companion.

GPT-4 Challenges and Web Search Limitations

At the heart of Bing Chat's struggles lies the integration of GPT-4 with web search capabilities. The GPT-4 model, which is more advanced than the GPT-3.5 model used in ChatGPT, was initially intended to provide Bing Chat with a comprehensive understanding of the internet. However, this integration has proven to be problematic, resulting in incorrect information and nonsensical responses.
